Writing Corporate Slogans and Taglines
‘If you click on my affiliates/advertisers links, I am going to receive a tiny commission. AND… Most of the time, you will receive an offer. Win/Win! The products that I advertise are the ones I believe in.’
Product slogans can be very short, like Nike’s “Just Do It.” They’re rarely much longer than Hallmark’s “When you care enough to send the very best.”
Although companies usually have their own teams of writers and marketers, they often run competitions that pay big prizes to outsiders who can come up with a catchy line. Watch for these opportunities on television and in print, but your best chance of finding them may be online.
Try one or more of these platforms:
Slogan Slingers helps companies create slogan contests in which their registered writers compete. It’s free to sign up as a writer, and the company claims you can “make up to $999 per contest (minus our small admin fee).”
Get a Slogan is a “crowd-sourcing platform that brings in custom, creative and catchy slogans from a variety of sloganeers.” Companies come to them for help, and writers submit their ideas. It’s free to sign up, but you initially have only “qualifying” status. Once you obtain “qualified” status, you’ll receive $50 for each of your winning slogans.
Freelancer.com has a section devoted to slogan-writing projects. The projects are sometimes run as contests.
For ideas about how to craft a catchy tagline, look over lists of some of the best advertising slogans and think about what makes each one work.
If you Google “slogan contest” plus the current or upcoming year (to weed out expired contests from the results), you’ll notice that government and nonprofit organizations may have even more slogan contests than companies. Many of these are open to children as well, so get your kids writing!